
For immediate help with mental health/crisis

Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free, private and confidential 24/7 phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25. It’s a free call, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 1800 55 1800.
Qlife is a national counselling and referral service for LGBTIQ+ people of all ages, operating from 3pm to midnight seven days a week: 1800 184 527 or chat online.
Headspace is the National Youth Mental Health Foundation providing early intervention mental health services to 12-25 year olds, along with assistance in promoting young peoples’ wellbeing.
eheadspace offers online chat and telephone support for people aged 12–25, as well as their family and friends. You can visit the website and email, or telephone (normal charges apply), seven days a week from 9 am to 1 am (Melbourne time): 1800 650 890.
Beyondblue provides information and support to help everyone, including LGBTIQ+ people in Australia, achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live: 1300 22 4636, chat online or email.
Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention services: 13 11 14 or chat online.

Specific support: LGBTIQ+

Minus 18 is Australia’s youth driven network for LGBTIQ+ youth. Their website provides masses of information and resources. Since they are based in Victoria, their workshops and events are regrettably a little far away for Queenslanders.
Open Doors Youth Service operates in south-east Queensland to support at risk and homeless young people with diverse genders, sexualities, and bodies.

The Australian Transgender Support Association of Queensland

The Australian Transgender Support Association of Queensland is run by transgenders for transgenders and provides emotional/moral support for people with Gender Identity Disorder (formally known as Gender Dysphoria) their families and friends.
Queensland AIDS Council supports the LGBTIQ+ community in all areas of health and education.
Relationships Australia Queensland support healthy relationships through counselling, mediation and other services. They have a rainbow program and a rainbow counselling service to support the mental health and wellbeing of people of diverse bodies, genders and sexualities
The Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital Gender Clinic and Statewide Service aims to help young people and their families reduce any distress they are experiencing and strengthen their coping mechanisms.

PFLAG Brisbane offers peer support to parents, families and friends of those who are gender or sexuality diverse.

Rainbow Families Queensland supports same-sex parents.

General support

The National Student Wellbeing Hub has very general resources to support mental health

Bullying. No Way! provides some basic information for students, parents and teachers.